


The main objective of the Department of Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement (DNBM) is to combine clinical and biomedical research, sharing cultural and methodological approaches, with interaction through teaching. The Department’s research areas include human physiology, macro and microscopic morphological science, applied and molecular biology, human genetics, clinical and biological chemistry, nervous system disorders, visual system disorders, physiology and biomolecular functions of human movement, human behavior and psychology including studies on consciousness and individual personality traits related to biological, physiological and neuropsychological aspects, clinical psychology in its psychosomatic variations and communication in healthcare. Psychometric theories and measurements in the field of physiology are also addressed.
DNBM promotes cooperation and exchanges for both professors and students between other Italian and foreign universities. It disseminates research results while respecting the research autonomy and freedom of each academic staff member. It encourages and supports participation in national and international research projects on the latest scientific topics.
The department in brief
Piazzale Ludovico Antonio Scuro 10 - 37124 Verona
Prof. Corrado Barbui
Direttore Vicario
Prof. Federico Schena


Department facilities
