Endocrinology & Metabolism

Marco Dauriz
Temporary Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Genetics of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disorders; General Endocrinology Marco Dauriz
The research interests and expertise of dr. M. Dauriz involve four main areas: (1) genetic epidemiology of diabetes and related cardiovascular disorders;(1) epidemiology and pathophysiology of the glucose-insulin system, with particular emphasis on the quantitative estimate of beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity (in vivo and in silico modeling); (3) technology applied to patient care (CSII, Continouos Subcutaneous Insulin Delivery Systems; CGM, Continuous Glucose Monitoring systems), (4) multi-disciplinary integrated approaches to the clinical care of patients with diabetes and cardiovascular disorders (heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, stroke). The clinical interests of dr. Dauriz are mainly devoted to the clinical care of people affected by diabetes and endocrine disorders and to patients admitted to the hospital in a general internal medicine setting.


Research facilities
