Anatomy and Histology Section
The Anatomy and Histology Section is located on the ground floor of the Biological Institutes, Block B, in Strada Le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona. This Section coordinates the scientific, educational and organizing activities belonging to the scientific disciplinary sectors (SSD) BIO/16 Human anatomy, BIO/17 Histology and M-EDF/02 Sport sciences and methodology.
The administration office is open Monday to Friday, from 8.30-14.00; phone: +39 045 8027155 and +39 045 8027173.
Research Activity
The members of the Section have specific expertise in different fields of the biomedical research: neuroscience, sport sciences, imaging, regenerative medicine, nanomedicine, oncology, behavioral sciences. Most of the research activities are performed in collaboration with institutes of foreign Countries, among which Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, France, Germany, Kuwait, Nigeria, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States. In addition, in the framework of the third mission, several professors and researchers are involved in research projects in collaboration with Companies or non-academic Institutions, or cooperate in actions to promote the scientific and technological transfer between the University and the Society (local communities).
Details on the Section’s research projects are available at the links of the Members and the Research Groups.
The Section has five Laboratories, equipped with technologically advanced instruments: Anthropometry, Behaviour, Cell Proliferation, Imaging, and Light and Electron Microscopy. Detailed description is available through the link of each laboratory.
Teaching Activity
The members of the Anatomy and Histology Section teaches courses on Human Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Anthropometry, Methods and techniques for body composition measurement, Teaching individual and team sports, and Methodology of sport training for the degree courses of the Medicine/Sport Sciences area, and the Schools of Specialists Studies in the Health Area.
As a whole, the basic teaching activity aims at giving the students a comprehensive knowledge of the structural organization of the human body at the macroscopic and microscopic level, as well as of the basics of the embryonal and foetal development. The students also receive specific information on applied human anatomy, with special reference to surface and palpatory anatomy, and to the methods used to evaluate anthropometric parameters and body composition. In the curricula for Sport Sciences, the necessary educational and technical knowledge is provided which allows the students to acquire specific professional skill in the different sports.
Several among the Section Lecturers are members of the Teaching Board for the PhD programmes in Nanoscience and Advanced Technologies, and in Neuroscience, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences, and are responsible for training and research activities of the PhD students.
The Section members are also involved in developing projects to guide the high-school students in choosing their university course (e.g., Progetto Tandem and Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro), and to orient university students in the labour market, by organizing and monitoring non-university training activities.
Biological Chemistry Section
The Biological Chemistry Section is located on the mezzanine floor of the Biological Institutes, Block B; Le Grazie Street, 8. It coordinates scientific, didactic and organizational activities related to the BIO/10 Biochemistry SSD. Section Phone: 045/8027170.
Research activity
The members of the Section have specific expertise in the study of biochemical and metabolic processes at the molecular level including both structural and functional aspects. This peculiar competences attribute to the Section an important role in the development of scientific and biotechnological knowledge of the molecular basis of the physiological and pathological events, which today represent the essential approach to the study of medicine.
The research interests of the Section are primarily addressed to the study of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the establishment and development of various diseases, extending from genetic diseases to inflammatory, neurodegenerative and neoplastic diseases. In addition, particular emphasis has been recently placed on the identification of therapeutic strategies in cell and animal models, potentially transferable to clinicians, of specific diseases that present metabolic alterations.
The numerous research projects currently under way can be found in the Research/Research Groups section of the site, and in the profiles of each component of the Biological Chemistry Section.
Most of the projects make use of international collaborations with the following research institutes:
SPAIN: University of Balearic Islands; University of Murcia; University La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Madrid.
PORTUGAL: Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Porto.
FRANCE: Institut Galien Paris-Sud, UMR CNRS 8612, University of Paris-Sud.
GERMANY: University of Oldenburg; University of Dresden.
UK: University College London; University of York.
JAPAN Showa Pharmaceutical University, Tokyo.
U.S.A.: University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Didactic activity
In the field of didactics, the teaching staff of the Section teaches chemistry, biochemical propaedeutics, bioinformatics and biochemistry in all degree courses of the Medicine/Motor Sciences area and in the Doctorate course in Biomolecular Medicine and Biochemistry of the Schools of Specialization in the Health Care Area. The teaching activity has the ultimate aim of transmitting the biochemical knowledge and the underlying experimental methodologies that form the basis for understanding the cause-effect relationship of physio-pathological events. In particular, Biochemistry teachers have specific knowledge of cell and organ metabolism in physio-pathological conditions.
Moreover, the teachers of the Section are strongly involved in the development of projects concerning the insertion of students in the university world, with the typologies of Tandem Project, Minimum Knowledge, School-Work Alternation.
Biology and Genetics Section
The Biology and Genetics Section is located at the first floor of the Biomedical Buildings, Block B, Telephone: 045/8027295. It hosts and coordinates the scientific and teaching activities of Molecular Biology (SSD BIO11), Applied Biology (SSD BIO13), Medical Genetics (MED03) teaching staff.
Research activities are organized in several projects including: -Identification of post-translational control mechanisms involved in cell proliferation and in pathogenic processes; Virus-cell interactions in HTLV human retrovirus induced leukaemogenic processes; role of MHC-I complex in the control of HIV induced infection; study of the interactions between HIV-1 Nef protein and human thioesterase ACOT8;
-investigations on the molecular bases of Mendelian disorders and on susceptibility genes in complex disorders such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases and autism; identification of polymorphic variants and of differentially expressed genes in case/control studies; evaluation of the genetic risk in complex diseases;
-application of statistical and bioinformatic tools for genome-wide association studies (GWAS), transcriptome, exome and methylome; analysis of data produced by high-throughput platforms in the context of respiratory, bone, and neurological disorders.
Laboratories and instruments available in the Section: facilities for cell cultures, nucleic acids manipulation, protein analysis; Nikon Eclipse 80 fluorescence microspore, ABI Prism 310 gene analyzer, Nanodrop spectrophotometer, hardware and software dedicated to complex computational analysis in the mathematical genetics lab; Victor 3PE luminometer/Fluorimeter, Lonza Nucleofector, ChemiDoc-It Imager, UVP, Biorad ELISA reader
Biobanks. The B&G section hosts: i) a collection of biological samples of autistic patients supported by a nationwide research project (ITAN foundation, ITalian Autism Network) for clinical, genetic and biological markers of autism; ii) a DNA biobank from an Italian population, representative of the Veneto region, which has been enrolled in a cooperative study on nephropathies; iii) a DNA biobank from phenotypically well characterised subjects to study the role of genes and environment on respiratory diseases (GEIRD project - Gene Environment Interaction in Respiratory Diseases).
Genetic counselling. A specialist in Medical Genetics provides preconceptional, prenatal and postnatal counselling for mendelian and chromosomal pathologies; he also collaborates with the Breast Unit of Verona AOUI for oncogenetic counselling in the context of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
Teaching activities. Molecular Biology, Biology, Genetics, Medical Genetics are taught in several courses of the Medical School and also in Exercise and Sport Science, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics courses. The Section also hosts the PhD course in Applied Life and Health Sciences and the aggregated School of postgraduate specialization in Medical Genetics.
Clinical Biochemistry
The Section of Clinical Biochemistry, directed by Prof. Giuseppe Lippi, is located on the ground floor (lot A) of the University Hospital "G.B. Rossi", Piazzale L. Scuro, 10 - 37134 Verona. The Section secretariat is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Tel. 045 8124308 (Ms. Amelia Vantini). The Laboratory of the Hospital of Borgo Trento is also an integral part of the section. Research activity: The research activity of the Clinical Biochemistry Section mainly focuses on the following topics: - Study of extra-analytical variability of laboratory data. - Study of biomarkers in the field of oncology and cardiovascular pathology. - Clinical and experimental aspects of atherothrombotic risk factors. - Study of genes involved in the regulation of arterial pressure and cardiovascular diseases. - Laboratory investigations for evaluation of haemorrhagic and thromboembolic risk. - Oxidative stress, isoprostanes and platelet activation. - Study of biomarkers for the evaluation of physical and motor activity in general. - Definition of indices of predictors of frailty in the elderly ("frailty") Two research laboratories are included "Clinical Experimental Pathology" and "Clinical Research) which perform in vivo and in vitro studies on pre- analytical variability, immunochemistry, cytofluorimetry, aggregometry, microscopy and molecular biology. The Section has participated and still participates in many national and international research projects, and is a reference center for the evaluation of new laboratory technologies and for the clinical validation of biomarkers used for prevention, diagnosis and therapy. The Section also participates in Phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials involving departments of the Verona University Hospital and other international structures. Teaching activity: The Section is involved in the lessons included within the study plan of the Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Degree Courses in Dentistry, the Degree Course in Bioinformatics and Medical Biotechnologies, in the Degree Courses of Health Professions and in Schools of specialization. Clinical activity: Rationally divided between the two structures belonging to the two Hospitals, the Operative Unit uses the latest generation of diagnostic technologies for performing routine tests (clinical chemistry, coagulation, blood count, urinalysis, therapeutic drug monitoring), specialized tests (endocrinology, oncology), second and third level analyses (for example for diagnosis of hemorrhagic diseases, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, hemoglobinopathies, prenatal diagnosis), molecular and genetic biology testing . Recently, the acquisition of new instrumentation to perform genomics, pharmacogenomics and proteomics analysis has been completed, with a view to overcoming the classical diagnosis and treatment approach with a new patient-centered clinical vision in which, using specific analyzes, the individual profile of the subject is analyzed (personalized medicine). Training activities: Organization of conferences, congresses and ECM courses, both for internal and external staff. Phone. 045/8124308 - Fax 045/8027220
Clinical Psychology
Coordinator: Professor Lidia Del Piccolo
Members: Dr. Michela Rimondini, Ph.D; Dr. Claudia Goss, MD, PhD; Dr. Cinzia Perlini, Ph.D, Dr. Maria Angela Mazzi, Ph.D, stat.;Dr. Olivia Danzi, Ph.D student; Dr. Isolde Bush, Ph.D student, Dr. Valeria Donisi, Ph.D, post-doc
The Section of Clinical Psychology provides care, education and research.
Clinical activity consists in individual and family psychological counselling or psychotherapy, provided for patients attending the University Hospital of Verona and for outpatients suffering from various organic diseases. Support and advice is also provided to health professionals working at the University Hospital of Verona.
Education and training is provided either for undergraduate students in medicine or in other health professions, post-graduate residents, trainees in psychotherapy and post-graduate Ph.D. students or physicians who attend master courses in risk management and communication skills.
The areas of research regard:
1. The development and standardization of instruments to analyse the quality of communication in healthcare setting: Verona Medical Interview Classification System, (VR-MICS) (Saltini et al.1998, Del Piccolo et al.1999; 2005); Verona Psychiatric Interview Classification System, (VR-PICS) (Rimondini et al., 2004); Verona Patient-centred Communication rating Scale, (VR-COPE) (Del Piccolo et al., 2006) ; Verona Coding of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES) (Zimmermann et al., 2011; Del Piccolo et al., 2011)
2. Information needs of patients in different medical settings
3. Shared decision making and patient involvement;
4. Risk management & patient safety;
5. Psychophysiological correlates of communication in healthcare;
6. Observational studies and clinical trials.
In the Research Quality Assessment Report (VQR 2011-2014) the Section of Clinical Psychology section had 100% of products evaluated as excellent among those presented (final report GEV and ANVUR, http://www.anvur.org/rapporto/), ranking as the first in Italy in the disciplinary area it belongs to (Area 11b).
Movement Sciences Section
Neurology Section
La Sezione di Neurologia è ubicata al 7° piano del lotto I del Policlinico "G.B. Rossi" Borgo Roma, Piazzale L. Scuro, 10 - 37134 Verona. La segreteria della Sezione è aperta dal lunedì al venerdì con orario 9:00-13:00. Tel. 045 8124285 Fax 045 8027492
La Sezione di Neurologia svolge attivita' nei seguenti ambiti:
1.Malattie cerebrovascolari
2.M. Parkinson, disordini del movimento e malattie neurodegenerative
3.Sclerosi multipla
4.Genetica, malattie muscolari, miastenia
6.Neurofisiologia clinica
8.Dolore neuropatico
9.Riabilitazione neurologica
10.Neurologia e psicopatologia dello sviluppo
Neurosurgery Section
La Sezione di Neurochirurgia ha Sede presso l’Ospedale di Borgo Trento – Polo Chirurgico “P. Confortini”,– P.Stefani 1 - 37124 Verona.
Direzione, segreteria e studi medici sono situati al 1° piano, lato Adige, Scala BLU;
gli ambulatory al 1° piano, lato Mameli, Polo Chirurgico "P. Confortini" stanze n. 44-45
Segreteria Neurochirurgia B:
Sig.ra Luisa Mariotti, tel 045 – 81226950, fax 045 8122066
Sig.ra Deborah Pastorello , tel: 045/8121438- fax 045 8122066
E-mail: neurochirurgia.b@aovr.veneto.it
Orario: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.00 alle ore 13.00.
Segreteria Radiochiurgia e Neurochirurgia Stereotassica (Gamma Knife)
Sig.ra Laura Tullini, tel: 045/8122939 Fax 045/8122939
E-mail: neurochirurgia.stereotassica@aovr.veneto.it
La Sezione è costituita da personale universitario ed ospedaliero ed è la sede della Scuola di Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia, diretta dal Prof. Francesco Sala. Si avvale inoltre della collaborazione di borsisti, tecnici e dottorandi di ricerca.
Alla Sezione afferiscono le U.O.C. di Neurochirurgia B e le U.S.O. di Neurochirurgia Vascolare, Neurochirurgia Pediatrica e Radiochirurgia Stereotassica (Gamma Knife).
L’attività clinico-chirurgica copre tutti i settori delle Neurochirurgia con specifiche competenze in particolare nell’ambito della neurochirurgia oncologica, vascolare, spinale e pediatrica. Il centro di Radiochirurgia Stereotassica è tra i più attivi in Europa ed ha recentemente esteso l’attività anche all’ High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU).
Nell’ambito della Ricerca, la Sezione si distingue per un approccio funzionale alla moderna neurochirugia grazie all’esteso utilizzo di tecniche (mappaggio e monitoraggio) di neurofisiologia intraperatoria, ma l’attività interessa tutti i settori sopra menzionati. I progetti attualmente in corso riguardano: a) la valutazione neurofisiologica intraoperatoria del sistema motorio nell’adulto e nel bambino; b)
la valutazione neurofisiologica intraoperatoria del sistema visivo e delle funzioni linguistiche; c) l’ottimizzazione del planning pre-chirugico attraverso l’integrazione di dati di trattografia, RM funzionale, TMS navigata e la loro validazione neurofisiologica intraoperatoria; d) lo studio dei meccanismi di vasospasmo cerebrale e di monitoraggio multimodale neurofisiologico e flussimetrico nella chirugia degli aneurismi; e)
) le tecniche di biopsia liquida per il monitoraggio dei gliomi cerebrali; f) l’utilizzo dell’HIFU nel trattamento di alcune patologie di interesse neurologico, come il tremore essenziale.
L’attività didattica è svolta presso il Corso di Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e chirurgia, il Corso di Laurea in Fisioterapia, la Scuola di Dottorato in Neuroscienze, Scienze Psicologiche e Psichiatriche, e Scienze del Movimento, le Scuole di Specializzazione in Ortopedia, Oftalmologia, Neurologia, Neuropsichiatria Infantile, Chirurgia Pediatrica e Chirurgia Plastica.
Le Sezione ospita periodicamente medici, ricercatori, tecnici di provenienza sia nazionale che internazionale per periodi di formazione nell’ambito della neurofisiologia intraoperatoria.
Physiology and Psychology Section
The Physiology and Psychology Section is located on the first and second floors of the Biological Institutes, Block A, Strada Le Grazie, 8, 37134 Verona (Referent, Prof. Leonardo Chelazzi, full professor of Physiology).
Research Activities: The experimental activity is carried out at the Biological Institutes where the Section is based, but also includes multiple national and international collaborations. The various research groups mainly direct their research in these areas:
Morphological and functional studies of neural cells and their interaction in physiological and pathological conditions in preclinical and ex-vivo models; exploration of the functional mechanisms that regulate the development and plasticity of synapses.
Study of the neuro-cognitive mechanisms of selective visual attention and the functional architecture of attentional control; impact of learning on the functioning of selective visual attention.
Investigation of neurocognitive mechanisms linked to perception and visual awareness in both physiological and pathological conditions; visual perception of movement and time.
Teaching activity: courses of Medicine and Surgery and related Specialization Schools, Health Professions, Pharmacy, Science and Engineering Area, as well as various master's courses and in the humanities faculties at the University of Verona. The topics are related to General and Human Physiology, Neurophysiology, Statistics, Psychology, Neuropsychology, Psychophysiology and Cognitive Neuroscience.
Section of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology
Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa