Seminari tenuti dal Prof. Mark Latash

Seminari tenuti dal Prof. Mark Latash

Si porta a conoscenza degli studenti di due seminari tenuti dal Prof. Mark Latash dal titolo "Nikolai Bernstein: His theory and its current developments" nelle date:

Venerdì  22 Ottobre

Venerdì 29 Ottobre

I seminari sarrano in Aula Magna, Palazzetto Ex ISEF, Via Casorati 43, 37131 Verona alle ore 13

Vi sarà anche la possibilità di seguire i seminari online:

Prof. Mark Latash, Ph.D. is a Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology at the PennState University. He was trained in physics of living systems and neurophysiology. He has been working in the fields of motor control and movement disorders, published over 400 papers, six books, and ten edited volumes. He is a recipient of the Bernstein Prize from the International Society of Motor Control.

Per informazioni rivolgersi alla prof.ssa Paola Cesari ( o prof. Matteo Bertucco (


Publication date
Thursday, October 14, 2021 - 3:18:06 PM
Seminari tenuti dal Prof. Mark Latash
Published by
Matteo Bertucco
Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science
Master's degree in Sport Science and Physical Performance

