The role of the Rho-GTPase proteins in the aetiology of Alzheimer’s disease - Bando Ricerca Finalizzata anno 2011

Data inizio
1 dicembre 2014
Durata (mesi) 
Neuroscienze, Biomedicina e Movimento
Responsabili (o referenti locali)
Borin Mirta

In this project we foresee to investigate the still largely unexplored role of the cytoskeletal regulator Rho-GTPases in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The main question we would like to address are the following: - are Rho-GTPases directly mediating beta-amyloid peptide toxicity? - - Can the modulation of Rho-GTPases family members reverse AD-related neuropathology? - Is it possibile to correlate a different pattern of Rho-GTPases expression to different AD phenotype? Thus, the focus of this project, using a wide range of models and cutting edge technologies, is to evaluate whether Rho-GTPases alteration may be revelant to AD etiopathogenesis or whether the potential alteration of this family of proteins is only ancillary to the disorder, representing an aspect of a general neurodegenerative mechanism.

Enti finanziatori:

Ministero della Salute
Finanziamento: assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento

Partecipanti al progetto

Collaboratori esterni

Silvia Bolognin
IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli
Marcella Catania
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico C.Besta


