Carlo Alberto Marzi

Carlo Alberto Marzi,  December 17, 2006
Emeritus Professor
Physiology and Psychology Section
Istituti Biologici Blocco A - Biblioteca Meneghetti,  Floor 1,  Room 1.15
+39 0458027143
carloalberto|marzi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

AdR “Consapevolezza Percettiva e Riorganizzazione Cerebrale” finanziato nell’ambito del progetto EC FP7 SP2 Ideas - ERC Grant Agreement no. 339939 “Perceptual Awareness in the Reorganizing Brain”, acronimo  “Perceptual Awareness” ERC-2013-ADG, CUP B34G13000300006, Prof. Carlo Alberto Marzi


Modules running in the period selected: 65.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Behavioural Sciences and Scientific Methodology (2014/2015)   13    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Behavioural Sciences and Scientific Methodology (2013/2014)   13    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Cognitive rehabilitation (2013/2014)   4    NEUROPSICOLOGIA
Bachelor's degree in Speech and Language Therapy (to qualify as a speech and language therapist) Philosophy and Theory of Language (2013/2014)   9    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Physiology (2013/2014)   6    PSICOLOGIA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Physiology II and Psychology (2013/2014)   12    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Behavioural Sciences and Scientific Methodology (2012/2013)   13    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Cognitive rehabilitation (2012/2013)   4    NEUROPSICOLOGIA
Bachelor's degree in Speech and Language Therapy (to qualify as a speech and language therapist) Philosophy and Theory of Language (2012/2013)   7    PSICOLOGIA COGNITIVA DEL LINGUAGGIO
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Physiology (2012/2013)   6    PSICOLOGIA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Physiology II and Psychology (2012/2013)   12    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Psychiatry Psychobiology (2012/2013)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine Psicologia generale 4 (2012/2013)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine Psicologia generale 5 (2012/2013)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Behavioural Sciences and Scientific Methodology (2011/2012)   13    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Cognitive rehabilitation (2011/2012)   4    NEUROPSICOLOGIA
Postgraduate Specialisation in Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine General Psychology (2011/2012)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Speech and Language Therapy (to qualify as a speech and language therapist) Philosophy and Theory of Language (2011/2012)   7    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Physiology (2011/2012)   6    PSICOLOGIA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Physiology II and Psychology (2011/2012)   12    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Psychiatry Fondamenti anatomofisiologici dell'attività psichica (2011/2012)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Behavioural Sciences and Scientific Methodology (2010/2011)   13    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor's degree in Speech and Language Therapy (to qualify as a speech and language therapist) Philosophy and Theory of Language (2010/2011)   7    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Physiology (2010/2011)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2010/2011)   12    PSICOLOGIA
Degree in Physiotherapy (Verona) Psychiatric and neuropsychological rehabilitation. (2010/2011)   5    1.5  NEUROPSICOLOGIA CLINICA
School of Specialisation in Geriatrics. Fisiologia dell'invecchiamento (2010/2011)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Psychiatry Fondamenti anatomofisiologici dell'attività psichica (2010/2011)   1   
School of Specialisation in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Neuropsicologia clinica (2010/2011)   20    20 
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Behavioural Sciences and Scientific Methodology (2009/2010)   13    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Bachelor in Speech and Language Therapy (professional) Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - II sem.) (2009/2010)   9    PSICOLOGIA GENERALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Physiology (2009/2010)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2009/2010)   12    PSICOLOGIA
Degree in Physiotherapy (Verona) Psychiatric and neuropsychological rehabilitation. (2009/2010)   5    1.5  NEUROPSICOLOGIA CLINICA
Combined Bachelor + Masters in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Abilità gestionali (2009/2010)   5   
School of Specialisation in Geriatrics. Fisiologia dell'invecchiamento (2009/2010)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Psychiatry Fondamenti anatomofisiologici dell'attività psichica (2009/2010)   1   
School of Specialisation in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Neuropsicologia clinica (IV ANNO) (2009/2010)   20    20 
Bachelor in Speech and Language Therapy (professional) Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - II sem.) (2008/2009)   9    Psicologia generale
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Physiology (2008/2009)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2008/2009)   12    Psicologia
Degree in Physiotherapy (Verona) Psychiatric and neuropsychological rehabilitation. (2008/2009)   5    1.5  Neuropsicologia clinica
Postgraduate Specialisation in Psychiatry Psychobiology (2008/2009)   1   
Combined Bachelor + Masters in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Abilità gestionali (2008/2009)   5   
School of Specialisation in Geriatrics. Fisiologia dell'invecchiamento (2008/2009)   2   
School of Specialisation in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Neuropsicologia clinica (2008/2009)   20    20 
Bachelor in Speech and Language Therapy (professional) Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - II sem.) (2007/2008)   9    Psicologia generale
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2007/2008)   12    Psicologia
Degree in Physiotherapy (Verona) Psychiatric and neuropsychological rehabilitation. (2007/2008)   7    Neuropsicologia clinica
Combined Bachelor + Masters in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Abilità gestionali (2007/2008)   5   
Bachelor in Speech and Language Therapy (professional) Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - II sem.) (2006/2007)   9    Psicologia generale
Combined Bachelor + Masters in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Communicative abilities (2006/2007)   5   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2006/2007)   12    Psicologia
Degree in Physiotherapy (Verona) Psychiatric and neuropsychological rehabilitation. (2006/2007)   7    Neuropsicologia clinica
Combined Bachelor + Masters in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Communicative abilities (2005/2006)   5     
Degree in Hearing Aid Techniques (Verona) General Psychology (2005/2006)   2   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2005/2006)   12    Psicologia
Degree in Physiotherapy (Verona) Psychiatric and neuropsychological rehabilitation. (2005/2006)   7    Neuropsicologia clinica
Bachelor in Speech and Language Therapy (professional) Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - II sem.) (2004/2005)   9      Psicologia generale
Specialized Degree in Medicine and Surgery (one cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2004/2005)   13      Psicologia generale
Degree in Physiotherapy (Verona) Psychiatric and neuropsychological rehabilitation. (2004/2005)   7      Neuropsicologia clinica
Specialized Degree in Medicine and Surgery (one cycle) Physiology II and Psychology (2003/2004)   13     
Degree in Medicine and Surgery (D.M. 10/07/96) Physiology II and Psychology (third year) (2001/2002)   0     

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  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

  • Commission for Internal Activities

Carlo Alberto Marzi
Office Collegial Body
Council for the Degree Course in Hearing Aid Techniques
member Presidency Council - Faculty Council


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