NEXUS Electrophysiology Lab

The lab offers the possibility of investigating the physiological properties of single neurons in vivo in the context of complex behavioral tasks.


1. Comprehensive analysis of neuronal mechanisms for spatially-directed attention.
2. MAC-Brain - Developing a Multi-scale account of Attentional Control as the constraining interface between vision and action.

The lab comprises two set-ups for neurophysiological experiments, one of them operational for multi-unit recordings, including one Plexon Inc. MAP 16-channel system for spike discrimination and storage; MAP RASPUTIN software for online spike discrimination; one NAN 4-channel electrode drive system; two David Kopf Instruments Micropositioners; one eye-tracking system based on implanted scleral search coils; two Crist Instruments systems for control and delivery of liquid rewards; NIMH Cortex software (VCortex 2) for online control of the experimental paradigm.
It also comprehends one fully equipped surgery room; two housing rooms; three experimental chairs; three experimental boxes.

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