Mirco Galie'

Mirco Galiè,  December 4, 2021
Associate Professor
Anatomy and Histology Section
Academic sector
BIOS-12/A - Human Anatomy
Research sector (ERC-2024)
LS4_12 - Cancer

LS4_9 - Metabolism and metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity

LS4_3 - Physiology of ageing

Research sector (ERC)
LS4_4 - Ageing

LS4_6 - Cancer and its biological basis

LS4_5 - Metabolism, biological basis of metabolism related disorders

Istituti Biologici Blocco B Ala VECCHIA,  Floor ,  Room R12B
mirco|galie*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Wednesday, Hours 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM,  


Degree in Biology. PhD at the University of Verona. Experience as Visiting Scientist at the University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX, USA. 
Scientific activity
Major interests focus on the transcriptional rewiring, and their underlying molecular mechanisms, behind the alterations of cell plasticity in varied physio-pathological contexts including aging, aging-related disease, neoplastic transformation and progression.


Modules running in the period selected: 64.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Bachelor's degree in Human Centered Medical System Engineering Anatomy and physiology (2024/2025)   12  eLearning ANATOMIA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Human Anatomy (2024/2025)   10  eLearning 10 
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2024/2025)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Technological medicine and surgery Human anatomy I (2024/2025)   7    ESERCITAZIONI
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2024/2025)   7  eLearning (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Bachelor's degree in Human Centered Medical System Engineering Anatomy and physiology (2023/2024)   12  eLearning ANATOMIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2023/2024)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2023/2024)   7  eLearning (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2023/2024)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2022/2023)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2022/2023)   7  eLearning (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2022/2023)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2021/2022)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2021/2022)   7  eLearning (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2021/2022)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2020/2021)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2020/2021)   7  eLearning (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Introduction to medical Humanities (2020/2021)   7  eLearning TIROCINIO DI SCIENZE PROPEDEUTICHE ALLA PROFESSIONE MEDICA [Anatomia umana - Gruppo Dott. Galiè] (TIROCINIO DI RICERCA)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2020/2021)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2019/2020)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2019/2020)   7  eLearning (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Introduction to medical Humanities (2019/2020)   7  eLearning TIROCINIO DI SCIENZE PROPEDEUTICHE ALLA PROFESSIONE MEDICA [Anatomia umana - Gruppo Dott. Galiè] (TIROCINIO DI RICERCA)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2019/2020)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2018/2019)   7    ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2018/2019)   7    (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Introduction to medical Humanities (2018/2019)   7  eLearning TIROCINIO DI SCIENZE PROPEDEUTICHE ALLA PROFESSIONE MEDICA [Anatomia umana - Gruppo Dott. Galiè] (TIROCINIO DI RICERCA)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2018/2019)   7    ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2017/2018)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2017/2018)   7    (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Introduction to medical Humanities (2017/2018)   7  eLearning TIROCINIO DI SCIENZE PROPEDEUTICHE ALLA PROFESSIONE MEDICA [Anatomia umana - Gruppo Dott. Galiè] (TIROCINIO DI RICERCA)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2017/2018)   7    ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2016/2017)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2016/2017)   7    (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2016/2017)   7  eLearning ANATOMIA UMANA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Vicenza) Human anatomy and histology (2015/2016)   7    ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2015/2016)   7    (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2015/2016)   7    ANATOMIA UMANA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy I (2014/2015)   7    (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana I)
Bachelor's degree in Cardiocirculatory Physiopathology and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques (national qualification) Morphological and functional fundamentals of life (2014/2015)   4    ANATOMIA UMANA
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Anatomia dell'apparato locomotore (2011/2012)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Human anatomy II (2010/2011)   12    [Gruppo Dott. Galiè] (Esercitazioni di Anatomia umana II)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Anatomia dell'apparato locomotore (2010/2011)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Anatomy II (2009/2010)   12    ANATOMIA II: ESERCITAZIONI [Gruppo Dott. Mirco Galiè]
Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy (Verona) Human Anatomy (2009/2010)   2   
Degree in Nursing (Verona) Human anatomy, histology (2009/2010)   4.5    ANATOMIA UMANA
Degree in Nursing (Legnago) Human anatomy, histology (2009/2010)   4.5    ANATOMIA UMANA
Degree in Nursing (Vicenza) Human anatomy, histology (2009/2010)   4.5    ANATOMIA UMANA
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Anatomia dell'apparato locomotore (2009/2010)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Anatomy II (2008/2009)   12    Anatomia II: esercitazioni
Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy (Verona) Human Anatomy (2008/2009)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Human Anatomy (2008/2009)   1   
Degree in Nursing (Verona) Human anatomy, histology (2008/2009)   4.5    Anatomia umana
Degree in Nursing (Legnago) Human anatomy, histology (2008/2009)   4.5    Anatomia umana
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Anatomy I (2007/2008)   7    0.5  Anatomia I: lezioni
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Anatomy II (2007/2008)   12    Anatomia II: esercitazioni
Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy (Verona) Human Anatomy (2007/2008)   2   
Degree in Nursing (Verona) Human anatomy, histology (2007/2008)   4.5    Anatomia umana
Degree in Nursing (Legnago) Human anatomy, histology (2007/2008)   4.5    Anatomia umana
Degree in Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion techniques Anatomy and histology (2006/2007)   5      Anatomia umana
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Anatomy II (2006/2007)   12    Anatomia II: esercitazioni
Degree in Midwifery Histology and human anatomy (2006/2007)   4      Anatomia umana
Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy (Verona) Histology, systematic, topographical anatomy (2006/2007)   4    3.5  Anatomia umana I
Degree in Medical Radiology Techniques for Imaging and Radiotherapy (Verona) Human Anatomy (2006/2007)   2   

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

Studies on cell and tissue biology in basic and applied biomedicine by means of microscopic and multimodal imaging techniques
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Determinanti molecolari dell’invecchiamento e della trasformazione tumorale. Studio dei meccanismi cellulari intrinseci e determinanti molecolari alla base dell’invecchiamento e della trasformazione neoplastica su modelli di cellule staminali mesenchimali e cellule staminali del cancro. Anatomy & Morphology
Title Starting date
Safety and Knowledge Of Ozone Therapy: effect of mild ozonization on tumor cells in vitro and in vivo 1/1/18
"Signatures" epigenetiche e profili di espressione di RNA codificanti e non codificanti di cellule staminali mammarie e di carcinoma mammario 4/9/10
"Signature" genetica ed epigenetica della trasformazione neoplastica 3/22/10
Tracciabilità nel settore agroalimentare della Provincia di Arezzo: fase dello studio dell'interazione con sistemi viventi 11/1/09
Creazione di Unità di Natural Food Discovery 9/15/09
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di materiali nanostrutturati luminescenti upconverter per applicazioni in Medicina e Scienze della Vita 8/20/08
Studio in vitro ed in vivo dell'impatto di nanoparticelle su caratteristiche biologiche di cellule e tessuti 1/4/08
Use of advanced technologies in the traceability and valorisation of the typical Italian ham 1/1/08
Progetto per la creazione di una unità integrata di imaging molecolare multimodale 7/1/06
Valutazione in vivo della neoangiogenesi indotta da cellule staminali in un modello di ischemia/riperfusione miocardica 1/30/06

Mirco Galie'
Office Collegial Body
Council for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery - Medicine and Surgery
member Information Engineering Teaching Committee - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
Collegio Didattico unificato di Fisioterapia e Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie - Medicine and Surgery
Council for the Degree Course in Nursing - Medicine and Surgery
member Comitato di coordinamento del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo tecnologico - Department Medicine
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di aggiornamento professionale in Operatore del benessere - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Medicina estetica, rigenerativa e antiaging - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
member Commissione AQ del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo tecnologico - Comitato di coordinamento del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo tecnologico - Department Medicine
Commissione per l'Internazionalizzazione - Comitato di coordinamento del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo tecnologico - Department Medicine
member Commissione Ricerca e Internazionalizzazione - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
member Council for the Department of Neurological Science and Vision - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences


Department facilities
