Francesco Sala

Full Professor
Neurosurgery Section
Academic sector
MEDS-15/A - Neurosurgery
Research sector (ERC-2024)
LS5_5 - Neural networks and plasticity

LS5_16 - Systems and computational neuroscience (e.g. modelling, simulation, brain oscillations, connectomics)

LS5_18 - Innovative methods and tools for neuroscience

Research sector (ERC)
LS7_4 - Analgesia and Surgery

+39 045 812 2695 (segreteria)
francesco|sala*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Francesco Sala is Professor and Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of Verona. His main fields of interest are Pediatric Neurosurgery and Intraoperative Neurophysiology.
In 1994-1995 and 1998-1999 he worked in New York as Research Fellow at the New York University Neurosurgery Labs and Clinical Fellow in Intraoperative Neurophysiology at the Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery, respectively. Upon his return to Verona, he established the Intraoperative Neurophysiology Unit at the Department of Neurosurgery. In 2005 he was a co-founder and in 2013-2015 President of the International Society for Intraoperative Neurophysiology. One of his main fields of interest is the intraoperative neurophysiological assessment of the motor system during central nervous system tumor surgery.
Following a Clinical Fellowship at the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto (2003-2004), in 2009 he was appointed as Responsible for the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit at the Institute of Neurosurgery in Verona. He’s currently holding appointments as Executive Board Members with both the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery and the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. His research interests in Pediatric Neurosurgery embrace functional surgery of central nervous system tumors, Chiari malformation and spinal dysraphisms.
Prof. Sala is particularly committed to the training of young neurosurgeons and the development of intraoperative neurophysiology in the global neurosurgical community. In 2016 he was appointed as first Chair of the Neuromonitoring Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. Since 2018 he is a Board Member (Scientific Chair) of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies. In October 2020 he was appointed Vice-President of the Italian Neurosurgical Society.


Modules running in the period selected: 188.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2024/2025)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2024/2025)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) PHYSIOTHERAPY IN NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTIONS (2024/2025)   9    NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E NEUROIMAGING
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2023/2024)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2023/2024)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) PHYSIOTHERAPY IN NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTIONS (2023/2024)   9  eLearning NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E NEUROIMAGING
PhD in Neuroscience, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences Introduzione alla neurofisiologia intraoperatoria nella chirurgia dei gliomi cerebrali (2023/2024)   0.75    0.5 
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2023/2024)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2023/2024)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (2023/2024)   58    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA Neurochirurgia spinale 3)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2023/2024)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 4)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2023/2024)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 5)
PhD in Neuroscience, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences Preservazione delle funzioni motorie in Neurochirurgia: Strategie correnti e prospettive future (2023/2024)   0.5    0.5 
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2022/2023)   1   
PhD in Neuroscience, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences Lezioni Dottorandi (2022/2023)   50  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2022/2023)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) PHYSIOTHERAPY IN NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTIONS (2022/2023)   9    NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E NEUROIMAGING
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2022/2023)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2022/2023)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2022/2023)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (2022/2023)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 3)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2022/2023)   58  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 4)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2022/2023)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (NCH 5 - SALA)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2021/2022)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2021/2022)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) PHYSIOTHERAPY IN NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTIONS (2021/2022)   9  eLearning NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E NEUROIMAGING
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Chirurgia cervicale anteriore (2021/2022)   7     
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Chirurgia cervicale posteriore (2021/2022)   6     
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Chirurgia vertebrale lombare anteriore (2021/2022)   6     
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Chirurgia verttebrale lombare posteriore (2021/2022)   7     
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Discussione casi clinici a distanza (2021/2022)   6     
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Laboratori ed esercitazioni (cadaver lab, esercitazioni in sala operatoria) (2021/2022)   16     
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Monitoriaggio neurofisiologico intraoperatorio (2021/2022)   4     
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2021/2022)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2021/2022)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2021/2022)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (2021/2022)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 3)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2021/2022)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 4)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2021/2022)   45    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (NCH TECN. OP. 5 - SALA)
Master in Chirurgia vertebromidollare complessa Xlif (2021/2022)   5     
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2020/2021)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2020/2021)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) PHYSIOTHERAPY IN NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTIONS (2020/2021)   9  eLearning NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E NEUROIMAGING
Postgraduate Specialisation in Otorhinolaryngology Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Ophthalmology Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2020/2021)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (2020/2021)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 3)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2020/2021)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 4)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2020/2021)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (NCH 5 - SALA)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2019/2020)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2019/2020)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) PHYSIOTHERAPY IN NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTIONS (2019/2020)   9  eLearning NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E NEUROIMAGING
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Otorhinolaryngology Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Ophthalmology Neurochirurgia (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2019/2020)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (2019/2020)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 3)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2019/2020)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 4)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2019/2020)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALA 5)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2018/2019)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2018/2019)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Rovereto) Neurology (2018/2019)   6    NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E IMAGING
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Neurology (2018/2019)   6  eLearning NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E IMAGING
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2018/2019)   7  eLearning 0.5  NEUROLOGIA CLINICA [Gruppo Prof. Sala] (Seminari di Neurologia)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Otorhinolaryngology Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Ophthalmology Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology Neurochirurgia (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2018/2019)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Neurochirurgia 2 - Sala)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (2018/2019)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Neurochirurgia 3 - Sala)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2018/2019)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Neurochirurgia 4 - Sala)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2018/2019)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Neurochirurgia 5 - Sala)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2017/2018)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2017/2018)   7  eLearning 0.5  NEUROLOGIA [Gruppo Prof. Sala] (Seminari di Neurologia)
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Verona) Neurology (2017/2018)   6  eLearning NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E IMAGING
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Neurology (2017/2018)   7  eLearning NEUROCHIRURGIA
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Rovereto) Neurology (2017/2018)   6    NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E IMAGING
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2017/2018)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology Neurochirurgia (2017/2018)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2017/2018)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2017/2018)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (2017/2018)   58    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2017/2018)   58    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2017/2018)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neuroradiologia (2017/2018)   12     
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2016/2017)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Rovereto) Neurology (2016/2017)   6    NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E IMAGING
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia (2016/2017)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Ophthalmology Neurochirurgia (2016/2017)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Neurochirurgia (2016/2017)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2016/2017)   1    0.5 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2016/2017)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology Neurochirurgia (2016/2017)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2016/2017)   24    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia 4 (2016/2017)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia 4 (2016/2017)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine Neurochirurgia 4 (2016/2017)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2016/2017)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2016/2017)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2015/2016)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy (to qualify as a physiotherapist) (Rovereto) Neurology (2015/2016)   6    NEUROTRAUMATOLOGIA E IMAGING
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2015/2016)   1    0.5 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Ophthalmology Neurochirurgia (2015/2016)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2015/2016)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2015/2016)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia 4 (2015/2016)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia 4 (2015/2016)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2015/2016)   45    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2014/2015)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2014/2015)   25    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia (2014/2015)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery Neurochirurgia (2014/2015)   1    0.5 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 4 (2014/2015)   58    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia 4 (2014/2015)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia 4 (2014/2015)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2014/2015)   45    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 6 (discipline specifiche) (2014/2015)   17    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2013/2014)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2013/2014)   28    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (discipline specifiche della tipologia) (2013/2014)   39    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia 4 (2013/2014)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia 4 (2013/2014)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2013/2014)   47    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 6 (discipline specifiche) (2013/2014)   17    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (discipline spec.della tipologia) (2013/2014)   4   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2012/2013)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Neurology (2012/2013)   6    0.5  SEMINARI [Gruppo Dott. Sala]
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 2 (2012/2013)   28    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 3 (discipline specifiche della tipologia) (2012/2013)   39    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia 4 (2012/2013)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia 4 (2012/2013)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia 5 (2012/2013)   47    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (discipline spec.della tipologia) (2012/2013)   4   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2011/2012)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Neurology (2011/2012)   6    0.5  SEMINARI [Gruppo Dott. Sala]
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2011/2012)   4   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (3° anno - Discipline specifiche della tipologia) (2011/2012)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (Didattica Frontale) (2011/2012)   3    0.5 
School of Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia infantile (2011/2012)   20    12 
School of Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia infantile (2011/2012)   8   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry Neurochirurgia IV (2011/2012)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia IV (2011/2012)   1   
School of Specialisation in Pediatric Surgery Traumatologia asse encefalo-rachidiano (2011/2012)   10    10 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2010/2011)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Neurology (2010/2011)   6    0.25  SEMINARI [Gruppo 3]
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2010/2011)   4   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (3° anno - Discipline specifiche della tipologia) (2010/2011)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (Didattica Frontale) (2010/2011)   3    0.5 
School of Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia infantile (2010/2011)   30    30 
School of Specialisation in Pediatric Surgery Traumatologia asse encefalo-rachidiano (2010/2011)   10    10 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2009/2010)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Neurology (2009/2010)   6    0.5  SEMINARI [Gruppo Dott. Sala]
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2009/2010)   4   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (Didattica Frontale) (2009/2010)   3    0.25 
School of Specialisation in Neurology Neurochirurgia infantile (2009/2010)   30    30 
School of Specialisation in Pediatric Surgery Traumatologia asse encefalo-rachidiano (2009/2010)   10    10 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Intraoperative neurophysiology: a functional approach to modern neurosurgery (2008/2009)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Neurology (2008/2009)   6    0.2  Neurochirurgia: lezioni
0.5  Seminari [Gruppo Dott. Sala]
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia (2008/2009)   4   
School of Specialisation in Pediatric Surgery Neurochirurgia pediatrica (2008/2009)   10    10 
School of Specialisation in Neurosurgery Neurofisiologia clinica (2008/2009)   7   
School of Specialisation in Pediatric Surgery Traumatologia asse encefalo-rachidiano (2008/2009)   10    10 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Neurology (2007/2008)   6    0.2  Neurochirurgia: lezioni
0.1  Seminari
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Neurology (2006/2007)   6    0.5  Seminari

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.

Research groups

Perioperative Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery
The research group aims to develop new protocols to identify and maintain neurological functions, in particular with regards to the motor and visual systems. This will be obtained through transcranial magnetic stimulation studies in healthy subjects or patients, as well as intraoperative monitoring/mapping in neurosurgical patients
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Intraoperative neurophysiology Intraoperative neurophysiology: intraoperative neurophysiological assessment of the motor system –in particular with regards to the cortico-spinal and cortico-bulbar tracts- during surgery for tumors of the central nervous system Surgery
Title Starting date
Studio di analisi della corticografia in pazienti operati di tumore cerebrale in awake surgery 1/1/08
Awake surgery: prospettive di applicazione nel mappaggio dell’emisfero destro. 10/1/07
Impatto del mappaggio dei potenziali evocati motori nella chirurgia dei gliomi ad alto grado adiacenti alle aree motorie 5/1/05

Neurosurgery Section

Francesco Sala
Office Collegial Body
member Teachers' Committee for the Research Master in Neuroscience
associate prof. Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in Neuroscienze, Scienze Psicologiche e Psichiatriche - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
member Faculty Board of PhD in Neuroscience, Psychological and Psychiatric Sciences, and Movement Sciences - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
Council for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery - Medicine and Surgery
Collegio Didattico unificato di Fisioterapia e Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie - Medicine and Surgery
member Comitato Scientifico del Master in Fisioterapia Neurologica - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
member Council for the Department of Neurological Science and Vision - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia generale - Medicine and Surgery
Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale - Medicine and Surgery
Direttore Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Neurologia - Medicine and Surgery
Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Neuropsichiatria Infantile - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Oftalmologia - Medicine and Surgery
Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Ortopedia e Traumatologia - Medicine and Surgery
Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Otorinolaringoiatria - Medicine and Surgery


Department facilities
